Laurentiu Panea

Profile picture

I am learning to code so be patient

Birthday Gender Favorite color Favorite food Pinneapple on pizza
18/01 Male Blue Mediterranean Food Yes No


You can always count on me

I am here to learn together with you, so don't panic, because i'm the one starting from scratch.

Funny story

One day i took my mom shopping, and i parked the car 50 meters before the shop because the parking was full. As people were leaving the shop, i drove slowly forward until i got in front of the shop. In front of me was a car exactly like mine. My mother came out of the shop and didn't realize that i was the second car, she went directly to the first one and wanted to get in. That car was locked and she was wondering were did i go. After a few seconds of looking for me, she saw my car and me inside it laughing.


Always be careful in which car you jump in